Blended synchronous learning (BSL) sessions

Highly interactive, seminar-style sessions. Campus-based and remote students are taught simultaneously, using BSL-enabled venues to bring the cohorts together.

Blended synchronous learning (BSL) sessions refer to highly interactive learning activities that bring together remote and campus-based students into a single seminar. Due to its high levels of interaction, this type of activity is often better suited to smaller groups (less than ~80 participants).

BSL sessions allow remote and campus-based students to participate in the same learning activities at the same time.

The synchronous sessions are run from specially equipped teaching spaces that have cameras, microphones and screens that allow campus-based students, remote students and teaching staff to interact with one another, with remote students participating virtually via Zoom (or another conferencing platform).

BSL support and training for teaching staff

This page was last updated on 22 Nov 2022.

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