Webinar recording - LMS: Rubrics

This webinar explores different Rubric setups and provides insight into how Rubrics can be used in the LMS.

Webinar recording of LMS Rubrics | Recorded August 2020


We provide participants with the skills to create and use variety of rubrics in LMS Assignments including range rubrics, points rubrics, and non-scoring rubrics.

Topics to be covered in this webinar are:

  • Benefits of Rubrics in the LMS
  • The full Rubric cycle (Assignment setup, create and add a range rubric, grade a student submission using a rubric, view gradebook, view rubric from student point of view.)
  • Creating a point rubric
  • Exploring rubric set up options
  • Reviewing Rubric editing considerations.

Intended learning outcomes

At the completion of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the benefits of Rubrics in the LMS
  • Create rubrics and grade assignments using rubrics within SpeedGrader
  • Reference different editing considerations
  • Differentiate between several Rubric set up options.

Workshop guides

We highly recommend that you have watched the LMS: Assignments recording before viewing the recording or registering for this webinar.

To register for an upcoming workshop explore the central workshop schedule.