
A controlled environment for filming video with higher production values.


To create a video with high-production values, video producers need to have control over lighting, camera positioning, and environmental sound. Depending on the video, it might also be important to access specialist equipment including high-quality cameras, specialist microphones and audio gear, dedicated lighting setups and teleprompting software. As costs usually accrue by the hour, studio productions will usually involve input from a video producer, who will spend a significant amount of time working with clients to take a video from concept through to realisation, ensuring that the final video meets the objectives, budget and timeline agreed on from the outset of the project.


Learning Design for Digital Education, Massive Open Online Course, University of Melbourne 2017

When designing videos for their massive open online learning design course Learning Design for Digital Education, Susan and Betina chose to demonstrate a range of common educational video techniques, including studio interviews, studio presentations, and digital ink.

What the research says

Research has shown that in general, students enjoyed high-production value educational videos found them less challenging, and more understandable than videos using a standard voice over slides format. However, the same study showed that there was no significant difference in their performance when tested on the material in the lesson. Studio-quality videos can be effective at engaging students but are not necessarily more effective at conveying information.

Production tips

  • Before embarking on a large project or long series of expensive studio produced videos, consider preparing a prototype video and testing it with your intended audience.
  • Even if a studio shoot is outside the budget of your project, consider consulting with a video producer for advice on planning and delivering a video that matches with the outcomes of your project.
  • You can maximise the effectiveness of your time in the studio by preparing and rehearsing.
  • If your presentation involves recorded voiceover or a scripted piece directly to camera, time yourself in advance. As a rule of thumb, reading your script aloud translates to about 125 words per minute.
  • If part of your presentation is scripted, try using one of the many free online teleprompting websites to rehearse and edit your script

Further resources

Attend a Presenting to Camera workshop

Watch more recent examples of University of Melbourne video production

Practice your script using an online prompter

Try using an iPad as a portable prompter

Further reading

Winslett, G. (2014). What counts as educational video?: Working toward best practice alignment between video production approaches and outcomes. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(5).