Team teaching

Peter Stuckey and Jimmy Lee wanted to create a tutorial like feel for their weekly workshop solution videos.

Modeling for Discrete Optimization MOOC

Peter Stuckey and Jimmy Lee, instructors in the Basic and Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization MOOCs, wanted to create a tutorial like feel for their weekly workshop solution videos. They opted for a conversational approach in these videos – much more informal than the style of their core video material.

A team teaching approach like this can help break the ‘fourth wall’ of the screen by making the learner feel as though they are sitting around a table with their instructors. Current evidence suggests that dialogue between presenters can create a more effective and engaging learning experience (Chi, Kang, & Yaghmourian, 2017).


Modify this approach by including a subject matter expert and a group of students asking questions or being questioned during a video. Some rehearsal and scripting of questions and answers may assist with achieving the desired learning outcomes for the lesson.

Chi, M. T. H., Kang, S., & Yaghmourian, D. L. (2017). Why Students Learn More From Dialogue- Than Monologue-Videos: Analyses of Peer Interactions. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 26(1), 10–50.