Simulated web conference calls

Paul Kofman and Sean Pinder in their Essentials of Corporate Finance Capstone built on previous authentic learning experiences they had created in the preceding courses by simulating a conference call.

Essentials of Corporate Finance Capstone MOOC

The learners each play the role of ‘Jess’, a financial analyst based in China, working for a large international investment bank. The instructors played the other team roles; senior analyst and department manager. The video conference calls framed their assignment for the week ahead and gave context while adding a layer of authenticity to the tasks.

Learners reported that they really appreciated being given ‘real world’ assessments using data from open public records. They felt that this approach accurately simulated the sort of work they would do if they were real financial analysts working in a large firm. They liked the videos in this Capstone as they are given actionable tasks which make them feel as though they are involved in a real project.