Fable based learning

Fable based learning creates a narrative strand that weaves the learning journey together for the learner.

Fable based learning animation

Peter Stuckey and Jimmy Lee incorporated fable based learning into the design of their Basic and Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization MOOCs.

Each of the core videos in these courses starts with a short animation relating to a traditional Chinese fable, the ‘Romance of Three Kingdoms.’ In these animations learners are challenged with a problem that they need to solve. They are motivated to move onto the next video and chapter in the story by solving new problems in a gamified set of scenarios.

This fable based approach is a form of authentic learning, as the animation poses a challenge that relates to a ‘real world problem’. This has immediate application to the learner as many of the problems they encounter are similar to those in real life.


Animation can be visually attractive, but be aware of the higher production costs involved for even simple, low level animations.

Jimmy Ho-Man Lee, Fong-Lok Lee, and Tai-Shing Lau. (2006). Folklore-based Learning on the Web - Pedagogy, Case Study and Evaluation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(1), 1-27.