Why use FeedbackFruits?

FeedbackFruits logo

During 2020 the University of Melbourne made available many of the FeedbackFruits suite of assignment tools. These provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback and work collaboratively on a range of assessment activities. With collaboration, teamwork, reflection and active learning key to quality learning it is well worth considering how a FeedbackFruits assignment tool could bring these elements into your subject.

FeedbackFruits assignment tools

Peer Review assignment

Feedback fruits people icon

Students reflect and provide feedback on works submitted by other students, with options to request students to complete a self-assessment. Peer Review assignments can be set up to allow students to submit individually or in groups.


Feedback from peers not only provides another perspective on a student’s work and timely feedback, but the act of reviewing another’s work reinforces the reviewer’s knowledge and requires a higher-order cognitive skill. Self-reflection using a rubric develops a student’s reflection skills and provides students with a model to critically reflect on their own work.

Group Member Evaluation assignment

Feedback fruits group icon

Students provide feedback about other group members. Typically used for staff to collate student reflections and feedback on how other team members have performed in a group project. The group member evaluation assignment can also be used for peer review when a submission is not required.


Allowing students to evaluate their peers’ contributions to a group project helps provide students a sense of ‘fairness’ to project work. Students can be asked to rate and comment on a range of criteria addressing different aspects of the group work experience.

Assignment Review assignment

Feedback fruits assignment review icon

Staff provide feedback on work submitted by their students. Submissions can be a document, audio file or video file and FeedbackFruits allows individual submissions or group submissions.


Very similar to the LMS assignment tool, the advantage of the FeedbackFruits assignment review tool is for audio and video student submissions, whereby feedback can be timestamped to a place in the audio or video as well as provided via a rubric. Assignment Review can also facilitate a dialogue between student and teacher about feedback provided.

Interactive Audio assignment

Feedback fruits audio icon

Students collaboratively comment on an audio file or podcast, staff can place discussions points and questions in the audio.


Turn solo listening to audio files into a collaborative, interactive process where students can listen and comment on parts they don’t understand or share further resources or discuss a complex point in the audio. With staff adding prompts for discussion or questioning into the audio the staff member can guide this discussion.

Interactive Document assignment

Feedback fruits document icon

Students collaboratively comment on an uploaded document, staff can place discussions points and questions in the document.


Turn solo reading of documents into a collaborative, interactive process whereby students can read and comment on parts they don’t understand, or share further resources or discuss a complex point in the document. With staff adding prompts for discussion or questioning on the document the staff member can guide this discussion.

Interactive Video assignment

Feedback fruits video icon

Students collaboratively comment on a video, staff can place discussions points and questions in the video.


Turn solo watching of videos into a collaborative, interactive process whereby students can listen and comment on parts they don’t understand or share further resources or discuss a complex point in the document. With staff adding prompts for discussion or questioning into the video the staff member can guide this discussion.

Other advantages

All FeedbackFruits assignment types allow feedback to be given by a rubric with or without comments (qualitative and quantitative feedback). FeedbackFruits Rubrics have the options:

  • Rubrics (traditional with number of criterion and ratings per criterion)
  • Scale rating
  • Comment criteria

LMS Groups and LMS Sections can be used with these assignments.

Assignments have many options that can be utilised, or not, for your situation including: opportunities for student reflection on feedback, customisable grading schemes based on different elements in the assignment and options to restrict file types and numbers of submissions.



Learning Environments has developed its own FeedbackFruits workshops. Workshops include:

  • Peer Review Assignments with FeedbackFruits
  • Group Member Evaluation with FeedbackFruits
  • Interactive Documents with FeedbackFruits

Find out more and register for these workshops.

Learning Environments webpages and support

Related Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education guides