Using the LMS 'Commons' to share and add resources to your subject

What is Commons?

Commons is a learning object repository that enables LMS staff users to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows LMS staff users to share learning resources with other staff as well as import learning resources into an LMS subject or community.

Where do I find Commons?

To access Commons:

  1. Log into the LMS at
  2. Click the Commons button in the Global Navigation menu
    LMS menu showing Commons icon
  1. Use the search option or scroll down to review the different Commons items available to you to import into your subject
  2. Click on an item to view a preview of what it is

How do I import a Commons resource into my subject?

If you find an item you want to import into a subject, community or your playpen subject just to check it out further:

  1. Click the item.
  2. Click Import/Download button on the right

Import/Download button in Commons

  1. Select All or specific subjects you wish to import the module to
  2. Click Import into Course

Import option in Commons

  1. Once imported, you can go to the subject to view and edit as you wish.

If you wish to have a second version of the item in your subject, make a copy of the first from within your subject, rather than import it again. Importing it again will overwrite the first version you imported.

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