Readings Online update

Readings Online has been updated and now allows teaching staff to link directly to an individual reading. Prior to this update, linking was only available to folders of readings. This new feature makes it easier to direct students to a specific reading. Links to individual readings can be added to Module pages in the LMS as outlined below.

A full guide on how to use the new Readings Online feature is coming soon, but in the meantime, a simple way to add a direct link to a reading is as follows:

1. On any Module page, click the 'App' icon on the top right of the text editor box

LMS apps icon 2. Scroll down and choose 'Readings Online'

Readings online app

3. Choose the reading you wish to link to, then click Create.

Individual reading in Readings Online

4. Save the Module page and you will now see the Readings Online link.

Module page showing Readings online direct link

A full guide will be available soon but if you would like to start Readings Online direct linking in the meantime, we encourage you to try it.

More information about Readings Online.