8. Embedded quizzes/assessment in video

Educational videos in the LMS can be made more interactive and engaging by pairing with quizzes and automated feedback.

It is relatively simple to add questions and feedback to your videos. These questions are most powerful when they ask students to move beyond factual recall of material and challenge them to consider more deeply underlying concepts or principles, apply concepts or relate the material in the video to other aspects of the course.

How to implement this in your subject

Step one: select or create videos

You can create videos for your subject using:

If using a video produced by you or for your subject, you can edit (or ‘clip’) your video into segments related to particular topics to embed in an LMS quiz.

You can also search for third party videos online. You will only be able to edit these videos if they have appropriate Creative Commons licensing, but you can set certain timecode segments to play when you embed them in a quiz.

Step two: select your quiz tool

LMS quiz with embedded videos

  • 11 question types
  • Robust and secure for assessment
  • Results flow into Gradebook
  • Allows for automated feedback at end of quiz.

For one question per video file: Embed the video as part of the question stem for the relevant quiz question. You can embed the video from Kaltura, Echo360, YouTube or Vimeo.

For multiple questions per video file: Embed the video into the question type ‘Text (no question)’, then follow with your questions.

H5P interactive video (formative activities only)

  • Eight question types
  • Not robust or secure enough for formal assessment
  • Quiz questions embed into the video itself
  • Allows for automated feedback during quiz.

Step three: develop quizzes and feedback

LMS quiz with embedded videos

For detailed guides on how to make quizzes with video embeds, self-enrol in the Learning Environments online learning modules, and complete the Quizzes module. When you add a due date, the quiz will be added to students’ calendars and to-do lists.

H5P interactive video (formative activities only)

See this guide on how to use H5P in the LMS.

Step four: follow up

To supplement automated feedback, you can address common points of confusion in:

Support and resources

Resources for quiz development

Resources for video development

This page was last updated on 16 Apr 2024.

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